About Us

We aim to build a better every day, always thinking beyond and how we can have a positive impact.


Who We Help

We help you make strategic decisions, achieve your long-term objectives, reduce costs and grow your bottom line, whilst also keeping you fully compliant with the latest tax obligations.

73 Cornhill

London, EC3V 3QQ


Rowan Lindsay

Rowan Lindsay

There’s no one size fits all approach to problem solving, but with over 25 years’ experience, I’d like to think I have a considerable knowledge base and vast experience to draw upon.

I’m passionate about UK Plc and I am driven to contribute to the UK being the world’s top innovator and producer. For me, the key ingredient is listening and actually digesting what clients tell you, acutely focusing and understanding what their unique needs and goals are. A thirst for knowledge and reciprocating the client’s enthusiasm also goes a long way to building a successful relationship. Combine that with open communication and collaboration throughout, while remaining positive when challenges occur (because they inevitably will) and then you should be in the best position to deliver successful outcomes for all parties.

I’m one of the Firm’s Responsible Individuals in the Audit and Assurance service line. My role is to lead and guide the team through the ever changing and complex regulatory world of corporate reporting and compliance. I work with businesses in the large and SME space across many sectors including, property, hospitality, manufacturing and professional services. In tandem with supporting clients my key role is the training and mentoring of the audit team, I’m a big believer giving the team the opportunity to shine and instilling confidence.

If you’re interested…

My early years helped to fuel my passion for business by simply observing the high street on the way to school and monitoring the frequency at which businesses would open and then close. My simple goal at that time was to put myself in a position where I could help businesses stay open for as long as possible. Fast forward a few decades and that simple objective hasn’t changed. The business landscape has changed dramatically, but the challenge of keeping the lights on, and having them burn as sustainably bright as possible, is as challenging and as fun as ever.

What is the most daring thing you’ve ever done?

Cliff jumping at Rick’s Café, Negril, Jamaica, which to me it felt like 400ft but in reality was closer to the square root of 400ft!

What one piece of advice would you give your 10-year-old self?

I like to keep things simple, so only two pieces of advice, 1. Do your homework 2. Don’t pop your zits!

If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?

Grace Jones because she’s bonkers and she’s brilliant. She’s a formidable talent, trailblazer and broke down barriers in so many ways, but most importantly by just being herself and not compromising.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

The ability to manipulate time – “less is more” (work) “more is more” (play).