Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED)

Does your business own UK residential property valued at more than £500,000?
If so, you need to know if you are liable to pay Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED), what relief is available and how best to manage your filing requirements.

Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings
How can our ATED advisers help?
Ensuring compliance
It’s not always obvious whether all or part of your property is classed as a dwelling. We will evaluate your situation and ensure you are fully compliant with ATED rules.

Securing eligible reliefs
There are a wide range of reliefs through which you may be able to discount ATED charges; however, a formal declaration must be prepared and submitted by a specific date to qualify.

Valuing your property
Your property needs to be valued based on a specific valuation date set by HMRC, and we can manage the entire process for you.

Get in touch
Our team can help you manage your ATED tax obligations and reduce any risk of non-compliance for your business.
As a trusted tax adviser to our clients, we’re here to help you capitalise on available reductions, safeguard the value of your assets and manage your relationship with HMRC whenever needed.
We’d be happy to arrange a free consultation – simply fill in the enquiry form or call us on the number below.
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why choose us
Why Gerald Edelman?
Our tax advisers are highly experienced in dealing with ATED obligations and have supported hundreds of businesses like yours to minimise the amount of tax due to be paid to HMRC.
ATED is an annual charge on UK dwellings held by a Non-Natural Person (NNP) e.g. a company. The amount of ATED you need to pay will be based on the value of the property, which subsequently needs to be revalued every five years.
Businesses that fall under ATED rules can manage the process themselves; however, many find it easier to appoint a specialist to act on their behalf and ensure compliance.
There are also a range of reliefs for which businesses may be eligible, so it pays to seek the help of an experienced tax adviser to find out what ATED deductions you can receive.
common questions
Frequently asked questions
Am I entitled to any ATED tax relief?
In some cases, reliefs are available to companies that own dwellings which in turn reduces the ATED charge payable to nil. These include properties that are:
- Let to a third party on a commercial basis and aren’t, at any point, occupied (or accessible for occupation) by anybody connected to the owner;
- open to the public for at least 28 days in a year;
- being developed for resale by a property developer;
Read our recent article to learn more.
What kind of property is classed as a dwelling?
A property is a dwelling if all or part of it is used, or can be used, as a residence. For example, a house or flat is classed as a dwelling. Some properties are not classed as dwellings, thus are not liable to pay any ATED charges. These include hotels, guest houses, boarding school accommodation, hospitals, student halls of residence, military accommodation, care homes and prisons.
Do I need an ATED valuation?
Having an ATED valuation means you can understand the value of your property and also what property value band It falls Into. This will determine whether you need to pay Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings (ATED) and how much you will need to pay each year.
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